Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for ScorePro

1. What is ScorePro?

ScorePro is a football match tracking app designed to help users create, manage, and track teams, players, matches, and scores in real-time. It's a comprehensive tool for football enthusiasts, coaches, players, parents, referees, and club officials.

2. How do I create a team in ScorePro?

To create a team, go to the 'Teams' section in the app and click on 'Create Team (+) icon'. Provide the team's name, logo, and other relevant information. You can also add players to the team and manage their details.

3. Can I add new players to my team?

Yes, you can easily add new players to your team. Navigate to the 'Players' section, click on 'Add New Player, (+) icon' and input their details, including name, position, and more.

4. How do I create a match in ScorePro?

Creating a match is simple. Go to the 'Matches' section, click on 'Create Match, (+) icon' and input match details such as teams, venue, kick-off time and date. ScorePro will handle the rest, including real-time score updates during the match.

5. Can I share match scores with others?

Yes, ScorePro offers two sharing options: You can share the score as a screenshot, or if you have marked the match as public you can use the unique shareable link provided by ScorePro for real-time match tracking. Matches marked as public will be indicated with an eye icon, and they can be shared using the link.

6. How can I make a match public?

When creating or editing a match, you can choose to mark it as public or non-public. Public matches can be shared using a unique link. Non-public matches remain private and won't be shared. When you enable the 'Public Match’ toggle, This means that anyone with the shareable link will be able to view the match progress in real-time, including goals, assists, and overall score. Please note that enabling this feature may allow others to access the match information and potentially share it further. Note that viewers won’t be able to edit your match details.

7. Is ScorePro available for both iOS and Android?

Yes, ScorePro is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. You can download and install the app on your iOS or Android device.

8. Can I use ScorePro to track youth and amateur matches?

Absolutely! ScorePro is designed to cater to all levels of football, including youth and amateur matches. It's a versatile app suitable for players, coaches, parents, and officials at various levels of the game.

9. Is ScorePro secure and private?

Yes, ScorePro takes privacy and security seriously. User data and match information are safeguarded according to our privacy policy. You can choose to make matches public or private based on your preferences.

10. Can I delete my ScorePro account?

Yes, you have the option to completely delete your ScorePro account from the Profile section of the app, whenever you wish to do so. Deleting your account will permanently remove all your data, including teams, players, matches, and scores. If you decide to delete your account, please note that this action is irreversible and cannot be undone. To initiate the account deletion process, please follow the instructions provided in the app's settings or contact our support team for assistance.